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Options Trading Masterclass

Hosted by
Published on
January 4, 2023
Want to become a day trader, but are unsure how to get started? You’re in luck because option trader Manz joined the podcast to give his POV on how to get started, set yourself up for success, and break down moves he’s made in the market for others to better understand and learn.

On the episode of the podcast, I talked with a special guest who I would crown as one of the best traders on Twitter-Manz, aka @notmrmanziel. His passion and knowledge for trading are refreshing and energizing, especially early in the morning after the bell rings. The pandemic threw Manz’s career plans for a loop, but that gave him time to get serious about trading, learn about Robinhood, and find FinTwit. Now, he has amassed a whopping 111K followers himself. Manz shared all about his trading journey with me on the pod. He goes into detail on how he started his trading journey by first integrating into small-cap equity and later transitioning into options. Manz also shares lessons learned from this journey, such as knowing how to temper your emotions while trading (since it is such an emotional rollercoaster day-in and day-out). He also discusses finding success by identifying what you’re good at and applying those skills as much as you can day-to-day. During our chat, Manz walks me through crafting the perfect routine for trading and content, the prep work he does, and his trading journey. I also got to hear some memorable stories of big wins and losses, the thought process behind his decisions and what lessons the market has taught him.
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